A birth story
April 14, 2020 The middle of a pandemic. My doula couldn't be there. No photographer either. Thankful to have a husband and a camera. Baby's Name: Roy Robert Sex: Male Date of Birth: 4/14/20 10:21pm Original Due Date: 4/14/20 Weeks Pregnant: 40weeks Baby's Weight: 9lbs Baby's Length: 22in Birth story: I had a membrane sweep at 39 weeks 1cm dilated, then again at my appointment on 4/13 at 1.5cm dilated. That night at home I was measuring contractions beginning at 9pm. They weren’t intense but for sure stronger than my BH and coming every 4-5 minutes. I talked to my OB at 1:15am, Went to hospital at 1:45am. I was in labor but it stalled. I tried to get some sleep. Doc broke my waters at 7:15am, still 1.5cm dilated, with little progression we started Pitocin around 11am. At this point I knew with no sleep and having Pitocin I would want an epidural eventually, that happened at 2:45pm. Daddy was an...