A birth story
April 14, 2020
The middle of a pandemic.
My doula couldn't be there.
No photographer either.
Thankful to have a husband and a camera.
Baby's Name: Roy Robert
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 4/14/20 10:21pm
Original Due Date: 4/14/20
Weeks Pregnant: 40weeks
Baby's Weight: 9lbs
Baby's Length: 22in
Birth story:
I had a membrane sweep at 39 weeks 1cm dilated, then again at my appointment on 4/13 at 1.5cm dilated. That night at home I was measuring contractions beginning at 9pm. They weren’t intense but for sure stronger than my BH and coming every 4-5 minutes. I talked to my OB at 1:15am, Went to hospital at 1:45am.
I was in labor but it stalled. I tried to get some sleep.
Doc broke my waters at 7:15am, still 1.5cm dilated, with little progression we started Pitocin around 11am. At this point I knew with no sleep and having Pitocin I would want an epidural eventually, that happened at 2:45pm. Daddy was an amazing support. Rubbing my back, saying nice things, cheering me on and Helping me smell my lemon oils. The contractions got crazy from the Pitocin and I was sick of having to pee. The toilet was so uncomfortable. They started my dosage really low and when they turned it up my contractions were coming back to back with no breaks/recovery time. It was a balancing act all afternoon, but it was working. After the epidural, I got some much needed rest!
3:15pm 3cm dilated
7:00pm 8cm dilated
9:15pm doc said we can push!
First push and daddy was still going potty. It was kind of weird not knowing how to push. I pushed 4 10 counts each contraction and he was out in an hour. My tearing was second degree and shaped like a lightening bolt from my big guy but he’s so worth it.
The hospital was interesting and very quiet but we loved having no visitors! Not having my doula or my Birth photog was sad but my husband nailed it with all the roles he played while we were there.
In the last couple weeks I tried everything other than Castor oil to progress! I sat on a ball every day, rolling and rocking, we took walks, had sex, ate spicy food and pineapple, drank red raspberry leaf tea and did meditation/yoga. Nothing! This perfect little human was growing and spending time with my parents before they sent him down to be with us!
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